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The Herald article on Loch Long fish farm planning appealVicky Allan writes in The Herald
Vicky Allan writes in The Herald

The Herald article on Loch Long fish farm planning appeal

Loch Long residents ask for their voices to be heard

September 25, 2023

As the Beinn Reithe, Loch Long, fish farm planning appeal commences, Vicky Allan's piece in The Herald is an interesting read as she writes "The upcoming government inquiry into a controversial proposal for a semi-enclosed salmon farm at Loch Long has triggered a wave of anger and mistrust from residents in the area who fear their voices will not be heard."

The article talks to representatives from AfftheClyde, the campaign group against the Loch Long site, Portincaple Residents Association, our own Long Live Loch Linnhe group, NGO Animal Equality UK as well as Loch Long Salmon.  

We noted that the Ctrl Aqua report that Mr Hawthorne of LLS is fond of citing to support his claims goes into great detail on ALL the aspects of closed and semi-closed containment systems. It concludes that semi-closed systems "are still at pilot stage" and "there are still some uncertainties that mean that there is higher risk associated with working on such facilities compared to both traditional nets and RAS".

The Chair of this Norwegian Research Institute concludes that "Semi-closed facilities at sea still have a way to go". We observe that, unfortunately, the LLS developers are either oblivious or choose to ignore these conclusions after the 8 years of research that the institute has conducted.

Read Vicky Allan from The Herald's article here (archived)>

Read more about the highly regarded Norwegian Institute's 8 Years of Research in to closed containment systems.

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