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First Public Consultation meeting in Duror 14 Sept

First Public Consultation meeting in Duror 14 Sept

Attend event, ask questions, leave comments

September 11, 2023

Proposed fish mega-farm development at Lurignish

Planning process has begun

The developer for the proposed fish mega farm at Lurignish, Loch Long Salmon, has entered the first stages of the planning process. As of 9 August 2023, the Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) phase has begun which must run for at least 12 weeks before a planning application can be submitted. (Source: Duror & Kentallen Community Council update 31/8/23)

Public Consultation Events

As part of the PAC, Loch Long Salmon (LLS) will hold three public consultation events at Kentallen & Duror Community Centre on 14 September (2pm - 7pm), and Appin Village Hall on 24 October (2pm - 7pm) and at Isle of Lismore Hall on 25 October (times tbc). The events will include a presentation of the prospective development and representatives of the developer will be there to answer your questions.

Who can attend the Public Consultation Events

Anyone who is interested in the proposed development can attend the events. You don't need to be a local resident, literally anyone who wants to be there can attend.

Who can give comments to Loch Long Salmon

Anyone can and should comment.

The developer might well ask for an address/postcode, but that's normal and doesn't discount comments from outwith the actual villages where events are taking place.

How to submit a comment

Most comments are taken live at the event via a feedback form/questionnaire. NB. Take a screenshot of the questions/your comment/any response.

Written comments/questions can also be sent to the developer Loch Long Salmon too.

By email: for attention of Mark Shotter

By letter:  send to  Mark Shotter, 10 York Place, Edinburgh, EH1 3EP.

Comments need to be in by 7th November.

Source: Details from the PAC advert submitted to Argyll & Bute Council.

Why is it important to attend the event and comment?

All questions and responses will form part of the planning application. It is therefore important to attend the meetings, ask questions, express concerns you may have AND submit your comments/questions in writing.

Who else can I write to with concerns about the proposed development?

Write to the representatives in your area with your concerns and objections - whether that's your MSP, MP or local Councillors. You should write to your representatives ASAP during this Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) phase.

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Make a donation

We are a group of local volunteers, working in our own time. Other than card processing fees, all of your donation will be used to help our efforts to stop the salmon mega-farm.
Click the button to donate by card, or use the BACS details below. Thank you!

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Most credit cards accepted. Bank account kindly facilitated through TEO (The Estates Office).

Alternatively donate to Long Live Loch Linnhe via BACS:
Sort code 83-26-04
Account number 15052156 "Long Live Loch Linnhe".