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Long Live Loch Linnhe May updateAlgal bloom in April on nearby Loch Sunart raises concerns
Algal bloom in April on nearby Loch Sunart raises concerns

Long Live Loch Linnhe May update

May update - and early algal bloom nearby raises concerns

May 27, 2024

It's been a bit quiet on the western front as Loch Long Salmon wait for the outcome of their Loch Long planning appeal before submitting their planning application here on Loch Linnhe.  The appeal Reporter has made his recommendations to the Scottish Government, but of course everything is in flux at the moment, so there could be quite a delay before a decision is made public.

Meanwhile we have a piece of very good news, in that we have been successful with our grant application to the outdoor clothing company Patagonia, who have very generously agreed funding of $15,000!  This will be a vital contribution towards what will be required when we engage experts to analyse the Environmental Impact Assessment when that becomes available.

We're certainly not twiddling our thumbs while we wait for the planning appeal outcome however - the letter below went out this weekend to all Highland/Argyll and Bute councillors and to all relevant MSP's, drawing attention to the worryingly early algal bloom this April on nearby Loch Sunart. It is vitally important that we keep the volume up with our campaign and make every effort to ensure that our research is noted by those who will be making the final decision on this proposal.

Read our letter to councillors and MSPs
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