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Loch Linnhe mega-farm hits The NationalLoch Linnhe looking south from above Cuil Bay
Loch Linnhe looking south from above Cuil Bay

Loch Linnhe mega-farm hits The National

Loch Linnhe resident rebuts Loch Linnhe mega-farm proposer's article in The National

July 25, 2023

The National newspaper has featured an article by Loch Linnhe resident Emma Thorpe, calling out the greenwashing approach of Loch Long Salmon, who are proposing two salmon mega farms - one in Loch Linnhe, one in the Loch Lomond National Park.

Her article comprehensively takes on the green spin used in an earlier National comment piece by Stewart Hawthorne of Loch Long Salmon. The company is currently appealing against the rejection by the National Park of their first proposed farm.

Loch Long resident Dorothy Moodie also objected to Loch Long Salmon's article as "insulting", her comments also being published by the newspaper a couple of days after the initial piece.

You can read archive snapshots of the articles at these links:

Emma Thorpe article:

Dorothy Moodie comment:

Loch Long Salmon article:

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