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Community Consultation dates announced

Community Consultation dates announced

Salmon mega-farm developer to hold community presentations in September and October

August 15, 2023

The prospective developer, Loch Long Salmon, has submitted a Proposal of Application Notice (PoAN) to Argyll and Bute Council which is the first step prior to submitting a full planning application (which they can do anytime from 3 months to 18 months after the date of the PoAN.)

Loch Long Salmon will hold community consultation events for their proposed mega fish farm at Lurignish (just north of Shuna layby) on the A828. According to the company's press release, the dates and times of these exhibitions have been confirmed as:

Thursday 14 September 2023 - Kentallen & Duror Community Hall - 2pm to 7pm

Tuesday 24 October 2023 - Appin Village Hall - 2pm to 7pm

We encourage you to read the articles on this website and then go along to these events and ask questions.....lots of questions.... about this proposed industrial scale mega fish farm using unproven technology.

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We are a group of local volunteers, working in our own time. Other than card processing fees, all of your donation will be used to help our efforts to stop the salmon mega-farm.
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Sort code 83-26-04
Account number 15052156 "Long Live Loch Linnhe".