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Our objections validated in a new technical paper

Long Live Loch Linnhe's objections to the proposed salmon mega-farm are underpinned by serious technical concerns about the proposal and its unproven technology. As part of their submission to the proposed Loch Long farm Planning Appeal Paul Nicoll and Robin Stopford have prepared a comprehensive paper which covers these concerns in detail (the Loch Long proposal is from the same developers and proposes the same technology as that for Loch Linnhe).

In summary, "the issue is simple: there is not one single pen of the proposed configuration operating anywhere in the world. The proposed project uses a prototype design, with no operating examples of pens of a similar size. The overall project is on a scale significantly greater than anything that exists currently in Scottish waters, in a location with characteristics that are new, and therefore with uncertain implications. Being a prototype, there is no empirical data that demonstrates successful waste capture as complete as the Appellant has assumed and modelled."

You can read the full paper - Policy Hearing Statement - here.

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