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An industrial estate on the unspoiled lochside

Proposals are afoot for a mega fish farm with extensive land-based infrastructure beside the A828 - the lochside road between the rural coastal communities of Appin and Duror. The proposed giant salmon mega-farm, the largest salmon farm in Scotland, will, if approved, use untested, unproven and intrusive technology, on a pristine stretch of loch shore.

The pristine stretch of Loch Linnhe's shore proposed for the salmon mega-farm

Industrial scale development

The visual impact of the land-based infrastructure would be enormous. The proposal includes large agricultural sheds, containers, feed silos, power supply, water and waste treatment plants, 4 x 50T horizontally laid oxygen cylinders, offices, and a fish mortality handling station.

Light, noise, smell, heavy road traffic

As well as visually intrusive, this will inevitably lead to light, noise and odour pollution. The plant will need constant servicing by additional heavy goods vehicles on the main Oban - Fort William A828 road.

The proposed location is between Appin and Duror on the A828 road
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