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Potentially the biggest fish farm in Scotland - right here

Pagetop image courtesy Thomas Price.

The proposed salmon mega-farm at Lurignish, between Duror and Appin, would be one of the largest in Scotland. Unlike conventional fish-farms, it would need an industrial estate's worth of equipment on the lochside, operating 24 hours a day.

The farm would be directly viewed by the residents of Duror, Shuna and Balnagowan, in a popular area for tourists, kayakers, sailors, and swimmers. It would be a stone's throw - quite literally - from the Lynn of Lorn National Scenic Area which includes the Appin and Lismore shores.

The shore between Appin and Duror where the farm would sit is an undeveloped, unspoiled and biodiverse stretch of lochside. It is not identified for development in the Argyll & Bute local plan.

Not the ideal site for an industrial development. Image courtesy Charlotte Parkin.

The lochside road, marketed by Visit Scotland as the Argyll Coastal Route, would see additional heavy goods vehicle traffic to service the mega-farm's banks of lochside equipment. The farm's noise and traffic would likely be clearly audible to cyclists on the adjacent cycle track (Sustrans route 78, the Caledonia Way).

This is an area widely used by a profusion of local and visiting leisure users: fishermen, hospitality, adventure sports, tourism, nature, wildlife, and swimmers, boarders, kayakers and sailors. It is entirely inappropriate for the proposed development of a huge industrial mega-farm.

Sunset looking south to Lurignish from Cuil Bay. Image courtesy Barry Tyerman.

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